18-21 September 2023, Fater Business Campus, Pescara (Italy)
The 2nd International Summer School on Science-Based Formulation will be hosted at the Fater Business Campus, in Pescara (Italy) from the 18th to the 21st of September 2023.
The School is organized by the Fater group, the Chemistry Department of University of Bari and the Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase (CSGI).
A large part of the finished products are complex multi-component mixtures. Typical examples are paint/inks/colorants, detergents, cosmetics, adhesives, lubricants, plasticizers, pharmaceutical preparations, and food products such as sauces, creams, ice creams, etc.
“Formulation” is a loose definition of any mixture prepared according to a specific recipe (the formula) that defines the components and the procedure to be used to mix them. "Formulation Science" is the discipline that deals with the principles that regulate the stability and performance of such systems.
Formulation science is a discipline where chemistry, physics, materials science, chemical engineering, and pharmaceutical/food technologies meet. Formulation science has limited space in university curricula, but it is of fundamental importance for industries. Activities related to formulation science usually do not require sophisticated technologies but depend crucially on a deep knowledge of the type of interactions that are at stake between the different components of the formulation, i.e. a very high level of scientific know-how.
Through theoretical lessons and practical sessions given by internationally recognized experts, participants will have the opportunity to learn or expand their knowledge about the basics and applications of formulation science.
The School is open to Ph.D. students and researchers from both academy and private companies.
Participants will also have the opportunity to present and discuss their research activities, interacting both with lecturers and other attendants.
The 2nd SB-FORMULATION summer school is a unique context where participants can improve their knowledge, exchange ideas, and enlarge their scientific network and horizons.